Meeting to consider SB 284, SB 302, and SB 545

Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Senate Chamber and Virtual Participation

  • Senate Bill 284, P.N. 270 (Yaw) – Legislation that charges the Environmental Quality Board with promulgating regulations which establish bonding requirements for project developers who seek to install or operate commercial wind or solar electric generation and other renewable energy facilities in Pennsylvania.
    • Amendment A01476 (Yaw)
  • Senate Bill 302, P.N. 313 (Yaw) – Legislation that establishes statewide uniform requirements restricting the use of Class B firefighting foams containing added PFAS chemistries for training.
    • Amendment A01677 (Yaw) 
  • Senate Bill 545, P.N. 563 (Yaw) – Legislation would amend the Clean Streams Law, to address accidental discharges or spills of substances that enter or may enter the waters of the Commonwealth.
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